Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Roald Dahl week at Comic Twart


I'm really excited by this week's Comic Twart theme, any book or story by Roald Dahl! I love his books, and have read many of them to my kids (currently reading "The Twits"). But the story I most remember growing up was "The Smoker" or "the Man from the South".

Only, I didn't KNOW it was a Dahl story when I first fell for it! I grew up watching tons of mystery and detective shows as a kid, and that included Alfred Hitchcock Presents. I don't recall most of the episodes I watched and re-watched as a kid, but one episode I could never forget was The 1985 version of "The Man from the South". (the story has been adapted to TV three times, and Tarantino apparently made a version, but one only one I've ever seen was the 85 version)

Before I give anything away, you should go read the original story written by Dahl.

I just love the suspense and drama of the story! This was just my kind of material! Hell, even now I'd REALLY LOVE to adapt this thing, and several other Dahl stories, into comic form! How sweet would that be?!

Anyway, the Comic Twart piece will have to do for now. I'll be posting this thing in bits and pieces till it's done. Here's the premilinary inks over rough pencils.

more soon!


More work in progress for the Dahl piece. Added a scaled brick background on the ground to give the piece some space.


* - Roald Dahl in 1971 Photo: CORBIS

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